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homework for food tech need to ask 25 people

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homework for food tech need to ask 25 people Empty homework for food tech need to ask 25 people

Post  Jamie Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:50 am

1.Do you have any food alergies? yes/no if so what are they
2.What type of ready meals do you buy? SWEET SAVOURY BOTH NONE
3.Are you a vegatarian? yes/no
4.What type of starchy food do you prefer? pasta bread rice potatoes other_______
5.What type meat do you prefer? beef chicken fish pork lamb other__________
6.What type of vegatables do you prefer? carrot pes's sweetcorn cucumber other________
7.What type of fruit do you prefer? orange apple bananna pear other_______
8.What type of cultral food do you prefer? italian indian asian greek other_________
9.How much are you willing to pay for a ready meal?less than £1 £1-£2.50 £2.50-£4.00 more than £4
10.What type of cake do you prefer? cheesecake sponge pudding chocolate fruity other__________


Posts : 39
Join date : 2011-01-25
Age : 28
Location : Sleetbeck

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homework for food tech need to ask 25 people Empty Re: homework for food tech need to ask 25 people

Post  Bren Enfield Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:27 am

1.Do you have any food alergies? no if so what are they
2.What type of ready meals do you buy? SWEET SAVOURY BOTH NONE
3.Are you a vegatarian? yes/no
4.What type of starchy food do you prefer? pastabread rice potatoes other_______
5.What type meat do you prefer? beef chicken fish pork lamb other__________
6.What type of vegatables do you prefer? carrot pes's sweetcorn cucumber other None Razz
7.What type of fruit do you prefer? orange apple bananna pear other_______
8.What type of cultral food do you prefer? italian indian asian greek other_________
9.How much are you willing to pay for a ready meal?less than £1 £1-£2.50 £2.50-£4.00 more than £4
10.What type of cake do you prefer? cheesecake sponge pudding chocolate fruity other__________

GL Very Happy
Bren Enfield
Bren Enfield

Posts : 21
Join date : 2011-02-09

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